7 Days of Summer Scavenger Hunt
Join us for an exciting adventure during our 7 Days of Summer Scavenger Hunt spanning 10 towns in the Eastern Monadnock Region! From August 21 to August 27, you will explore our terrific communities, take photos, have fun, rack up points for each completed challenge, and win some prizes sponsored by area businesses.
Invite your friends and family, coworkers, club or team members (anyone!) to make a team of up to 6 people. Save the date. Let's make this 7 Days of Summer Scavenger Hunt an unforgettable event filled with adventure, fun, and ending with a summer social to celebrate! All ages are welcome to participate! Team registration is now open. Please check this page periodically for updates. Contact Nisa at (603) 924-6800 ext. 14 or by email [email protected] for more information. |
Over $400 in prizes up for grabs from local businesses:
1. The object of the scavenger hunt is for teams to complete as many challenges on the list as possible between August 21 and August 27. 2. Your team must have a minimum of 2 members and a maximum of 6.
3. Themed team costumes are encouraged, but not required.
4. Team requirements:
8. Prizes are awarded as follows to:
10.Team Dos and Don'ts:
12. Once an answer is submitted, the team cannot add or change answers.
13. There is no appeals process in this scavenger hunt. All decisions by the judges are final. No exceptions.
14. Have FUN!!! These are the basic rules.
Common sense is king (or queen). Official rules will be sent out with the Scavenger Hunt’s List of Challenges. (revised 08/21/23)
3. Themed team costumes are encouraged, but not required.
4. Team requirements:
- a "buddy" - each team will have a "buddy" (ie, stuffed animal or other character) of their choosing to appear in every photo in order to be awarded points
- a smartphone - each team will upload their challenge photos to a private Facebook group
- a Facebook account - at least 1 member of your team must have a Facebook account in order to join the private Facebook group
- Completed challenges are verified by taking a photo of their “buddy” with the item/location specified in the challenge.
- One photo per challenge. No duplicates.
- Photos are to be uploaded by a team member to a private Facebook group by August 27 at 9 pm in order to have your points counted.
- Each challenge in the general list of clues is worth one point.
- Town-specific challenges are worth 2 points a piece unless otherwise specified.
- If you complete a challenge with all team members in the photo, teams are awarded an extra point unless otherwise specified.
- If you fulfill #2 and all team members are in costume, you are awarded another point for each challenge completed in this manner unless otherwise specified.
8. Prizes are awarded as follows to:
- The Top 3 point-getting teams
- The team with the most team-spirit (ie, most challenges completed in where all members appear in the photo AND are in costume)
- Prizes will be announced by Friday, August 25, 2023.
10.Team Dos and Don'ts:
- Don't do anything illegal.
- Don't disturb cemeteries.
- Don't go onto private property.
- Do be safe
- Do play fair - we want all teams to have an equal chance at completing challenges so don't let your competitive instincts drive you to ruin other people's chances to win. Use your own creativity. No photoshopping.
12. Once an answer is submitted, the team cannot add or change answers.
13. There is no appeals process in this scavenger hunt. All decisions by the judges are final. No exceptions.
14. Have FUN!!! These are the basic rules.
Common sense is king (or queen). Official rules will be sent out with the Scavenger Hunt’s List of Challenges. (revised 08/21/23)
- Can we use the same photo for more than one challenge? No.
- Do we have to do all of the challenges? No.
- Where's the list of challenges? You will receive this when you register!
- Where's the special Facebook group? You'll be invited once you register!
- Can I win prizes? Only if you register!
- Can we get extra points? Yes! It depends on the challenge and whether or not your whole team is in the shot and if your team is wearing the team costume.